APL designs and manufactures cost-efficient and innovative technology with a focus on products in the interface between the seabed and the floating units.

APL, founded in 1993, is one of the world’s leading providers of innovative technologies for offshore oil and gas production and transfer. Its foundation was based on the need for a reliable mooring and fluid transfer system in harsh environments offshore Norway and the UK. Today, APL technology offers solutions for harsh environments, benign waters, and shallow and deep water, with more than 90 loading systems and 80 turret mooring systems delivered worldwide.
Get in touch
APL Norway AS
Vikaveien 85
4816 Kolbjørnsvik
T: +47 45297000
F: +47 37024128
E: [email protected]
Need service support? For repairs, spare parts, or service, contact us via e-mail at [email protected], by phone at +47 45297000, or on our 24/7 line at +47 90804405.