Brownfield Solutions

We optimize process systems, remove production bottlenecks, improve environmental performance, and support operations through a global network of specialists and a commitment to service.


Process Systems, your brownfield project partner

Whether you require a quick turn-around of spare parts or need one of our experts to be mobilized to your asset to support with an operational challenge, our team is ready. We assist you in getting the most out of existing equipment by healthcare agreements, operational troubleshooting, and knowledge-driven process improvements. We deliver process skids to fit into the existing process area when old equipment cannot be retrofitted to support future operation. Process studies, environmental consultancy, testing, and digitalization are only some examples of what we do. Local service and global support will provide access to expert knowledge to de-risk your production.

With our wide portfolio of brownfield solutions, we support you in any stage of your operations to optimize performance or extend the lifetime of your asset.

We focus on understanding the root cause of the customers challenges, enabling us to advise the correct solution to production issues, whilst being cost efficient and delivering optimal results.

  • Process Systems Brownfield Flyer

NOV Live - Brownfield Solutions with Glen McLellan

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