Dual Train Enclosed Vapor Combustor
Offered as a complete package, the Dual-Train EVC offers an integrated, skid-mounted solution that includes a high-pressure produced gas flare and a low-pressure enclosed combustor.
The total Dual-Train EVC system is Quad O compliant for 95% or greater destruction efficiency and is ideal for a wide variety of applications, including the following:
- Multipad wells
- High-flow applications
- Variable-flow applications
- Dual-flow applications
- Produced gas and storage tank vapors
- Quad 0 compliant dual solution
- All stainless steel construction on both units
- Capabilities to handle a wide flow range of tank gas vapors—as low as 5 Mscf/d and greater than 200 Mscf/d depending on enclosed combustor selection
- Combust produced gas (high pressure and high flow) as well as tank vapor (low pressure)
- >1 MMscf/d (68 million Btu/hr) of produced gas, or up to 3.5 MMscf/d
- 100 Mscf/d (9.2 million Btu/hr) of tank gas