Pressure Control Systems
Minimize risk and expand your drilling capabilities with our innovative solutions in blowout preventer and pressure control systems.
Ensure the safety of your personnel, rig equipment, and investment with a trusted name in blowout preventer systems
A blowout preventer (BOP) is a large, high-pressure safety valve used to prevent the uncontrolled flow of liquids and gases during well drilling operations. Pressure control is a critical part of the drilling process, and, as a fail-safe component, a blowout preventer is essential to the safety of your rig. Our success in blowout preventer and pressure control systems is the result of meticulous research and development, advanced manufacturing techniques, stringent quality control, and building on a legacy of name brands like Shaffer™, Koomey™, and T3™. Our full product line of land and offshore pressure control technologies offers you the right options for your most challenging drilling projects.
In addition, our specialized Aftermarket services for pressure control help you maximize up-time and improve performance in drilling operations around the globe. From evolution to revolution, take a glimpse and see how we are creating technology for tomorrow that can work with the equipment you have today, starting at subsea to the drill floor. Go Beyond 20K.
Land pressure control
Backed by our decades of experience in pressure control manufacturing, our equipment line comprises trusted industry names such as Shaffer, T3, and Koomey. From dependable, configurable BOP stacks to the BOP control system supporting them, we put safety first, providing you with what’s needed to keep your crew safe, your rig operating smoothly, and your well under control. Our trusted product lines consist of our Shaffer spherical BOP, ram BOPs such as the 6012 and our LXT line, 6000 shear ram BOP and low-force shear (LFS) rams, the SAR system, Mission™ drilling chokes and manifolds, and our Koomey BOP control units.
Offshore pressure control
From the top of the rig to the bottom of the stack, we build the most dependable blowout preventer and pressure control systems in the industry. Our 45,000-ft2 R&D facility features 13 multifunctional test bays and a hyperbaric chamber designed to simulate depths up to 15,000 ft and pressure up to 20,000 psi. By applying manufacturing principles to building design and testing processes, our engineers safely perform up to 30 tests per week. Our continuous cycle of design, testing, and refinement leads to breakthrough products that improve overall performance, including our RCX pods, high-angle release connector, 20K BOP systems, shear technology, BOP elastomer technology, Mission drilling chokes and manifolds, low-shock SPM valves, and condition monitoring and maintenance. Check out the Specifications tab for a comprehensive list of offshore equipment solutions.
Topside Equipment
- BOP controls
- Hands-free gooseneck
- Hydraulic power unit
- Active heave cranes
- BOP handling systems
- Marine riser tensioners
- Diverter
- Telescopic joint
Drill ships, Semi-submersibles, and Jackups
- Configurable stack
- Riser
- RCX pods
- Depth-compensated bottles
- 20,000 psi NXT BOP
- RAM position indicator
- Riser LMRP and wellhead connectors
- LowForce Blind Shear (LFS) Rams
- Remote BOP monitoring—Rigsentry
- Spherical BOP
NOV 20K Subsea BOP System Brochure
6012 RAM BOP Flyer
Above Beyond and below Offshore Pressure Control Handbook
BOP Control Unit Flyer
Land Pressure Control Equipment Spec Sheet
LFS-5 Shear Ram Upgrade Brochure
Next-Generation Drilling and Subsea Systems Brochure
Offshore Pressure Control Equipment Spec Sheet
Pressure Control Land Brochure
Smart Reel and Remote Control Panel Brochure
MISSION Manifold Rentals for Offshore Market FlyerReview our specific offshore manifolds for rental

Dependable, configurable BOP stack for land-based operations

Modular configurations improve accessibility and operational safety

Depth-compensated bottles reduce weight.

Optimized design reduces the force required to shear casing by 50%

Simple, robust, and rugged designs that are easy to service