The MOPUstor, developed by GustoMSC, provides a solution for short-life oil fields without direct access to pipeline infrastructure in water depths and environment not suitable for an FPSO. This MOPUstor concept consists of a steel storage tank supported directly on the sea bed, three (or four) tubular legs, firmly connected to the storage tank, a barge-type platform deck that can be jacked along the legs, and a jacking system.
The production deck is essentially a barge-type structure similar to many jack-up hulls, it provides buoyancy to enable transport to and installation on the site, a large flat deck is available to install the production equipment and below deck space is available for utility tanks and non-hazardous equipment. The legs are straight tubular legs, fabricated in the same manner as large jacket legs. The legs, however, are free of any nodes or additional welding. Seawater lift pumps and drain caissons are located in the legs.
The jacking system is the MSC hydraulic cylinder type using a pin/hole system for contact with the leg. This is a field-proven system, currently used on 10 jack-ups, it provides the capability to raise the platform out of the water to the operational air gap and lock the platform to the hull during the lifetime of the field.
Furthermore, it provides the capability to remobilize, lower the platform to the water and raise the storage tank, ready to move to the next location.

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