STAR Fiberglass Pipe
Achieve faster and easier installation with our jointed fiberglass pipe.
Our line of STAR™ jointed fiberglass pipe is manufactured in sizes 1½- through 36-in. (40- to 900-mm) diameters and handles pressures from 150 to 4,000 psi (1.03 to 27.6 MPa) and temperatures up to 212 °F (100 °C), depending on size. We offer 8rd connections and a Super Seal™ O-Ring connection type. The Super Seal connection is especially ideal for large-diameter water projects, because it enables faster and easier installation as the pipe can simply spin together to create the O-ring seal. There is no need for equipment such as clamps, come-alongs, adhesives, or heating blankets, as no bonding is required in the field.
- Disposal or Injection Tubing
- Production Tubing - ESP, Gas Lift, Rod Pumping, PCP
- Casing Liners
- Chemical Waste Disposal
- Geothermal
- Slotted Production Liners and Prepacked Screens
- Observation Well Casing
- Open Hole Casing, Zone to Surface
- Cement Tail Pipe
- Deviated Wells
Corrosion Resistant Fiberglass Piping Systems Brochure
Corrosion Resistant Fiberglass Piping Systems Brochure Chinese
Corrosion Resistant Fiberglass Piping Systems Brochure Russian
Corrosion Resistant Fiberglass Piping Systems Brochure Spanish
High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe Product Guide Brochure
STAR Aliphatic Amine Downhole Casing Data Sheet
STAR Aliphatic Amine Downhole Casing Data Sheet (Russian)
STAR Aliphatic Amine Line Pipe (High Pressure - API 15HR Design) Data Sheet
STAR Aliphatic Amine Line Pipe (High Pressure - Standard Design) Data Sheet
STAR Anhydride Line Pipe (High Pressure - API 15HR Design) Data Sheet
STAR Anhydride Line Pipe (High Pressure - Standard Design) Data Sheet
STAR Aromatic Amine Line Pipe (High Pressure - API 15HR Design) Data Sheet
STAR Downhole Casing (Aliphatic Amine Cured Epoxy) Data Sheet
STAR Downhole Tubing (Aliphatic Amine Cured Epoxy) Data Sheet
STAR Downhole Tubing (Aliphatic Amine Cured Epoxy) Data Sheet (Russian)
STAR Downhole Tubing/Casing (Anhydride Cured Epoxy) Data Sheet
STAR Downhole Tubing/Casing (Aromatic Amine Epoxy) Data Sheet
STAR High Pressure Threaded Fittings Data Sheet
STAR Super Seal - API 15HR Design Data Sheet
STAR Super Seal Fittings Data Sheet
STAR Super Seal Key Lock Product Data Sheet
STAR Threaded Line Pipe Installation Handbook
STAR and Centron Chemical Resistance Guide
Fiberglass Engineering and Piping Design Guide
Composite Solutions for CCUS Applications Brochure

It’s Time to Break Tradition
Steel pipe has long been the norm in onshore production for tank batteries, flowlines, and downhole production casing, but fiberglass pipe provides a more cost-efficient reliable solution. Join us as we break the steel tradition.