Subsea Storage

We provide a storage solution for all types of fluids that enables opportunities for energy portfolios and the global shipping industry


De-carbonize & de-bottlenecking

We offer clean, cost-effective storage solutions for fields, energy production facilities and the shipping industry. Mobile and reusable through modular design, these solutions address your challenges in lowering emissions and with topside and onshore capacity. These storage solutions provide larger storage volume close to where it’s needed, utilizing the seabed and ambient conditions.

Pain points and opportunities for Subsea Storage

  • Flexible size and capacity
  • Easy to design for decommissioning and redeployment
  • Standard and reusable design
  • Safe for all, populated and non-populated areas
  • Continuous level monitoring and leakage detection
  • Helps reduce or even eliminate emissions
  • Subsea storage at ambient pressure and temperature
  • Help solve topside and onshore capacity challenges
  • Eliminates the need for an expensive pipeline

Subsea Energy Storage

Revolutionize your offshore energy storage with our economical, enabling subsea solution.

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Subsea Chemical Storage System

We help solve topside capacity challenges and enable cost-effective electrification, improved field economics and flow assurance.

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Subsea Oil Storage and Export

We enable emission reduction and flexible storage of oils and condensates

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Anti-FLIP Flexible Pipe F23 Carcass

Eliminate flow-induced pulsations and ensure flow assurance.

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Subsea Processing

We have the technology and expertise to provide advanced, industry-leading processing solutions for greenfield and brownfield applications.

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