
Change the Way You Drill

One less well required

A Closeup of the end of a pipe

Operators have conventionally relied on annular pressure measurements at the bit and hydraulics models to estimate the equivalent fluid density along the string. However, the future of drilling demands high-speed, real-time data to help drillers make informed decisions that optimize drilling performance.

The eVolve™ Optimization Service equips existing rigs and crews with an advanced toolkit that increases performance, enables informed decision making and enhances real-time analytic capabilities. The premier tier of the service, AUTOMATE, provides better well control and makes drilling more efficient while reducing well delivery times and improving safety.

An artistic rendering of a map pointing out the Martin Linge Field off the coast of Norway

The Martin Linge Field in the North Sea contains an oil reservoir and several gas and condensate reservoirs.

Total E&P Norge AS is currently developing a Norwegian North Sea field that consists of an oil reservoir and several deeper, structurally complex, high-pressure gas and condensate reservoirs. Wells drilled in this field have a narrow pressure window that requires a more complete understanding of the environment. The eVolve team provided an extended data set that offered a detailed picture of the pressure and equivalent circulating/static density distribution.

A render of an eVolve tool

BlackStream along-string measurement tools use sensors to gather drill string data.

To meet the specific challenges of this project, BlackStream™ along-string measurement (ASM) tools were incorporated to meet and exceed the stated objectives. BlackStream ASM tools acquire temperature, annular pressure, rotation, and three-axis vibration data at high frequency from sensors embedded throughout the drill string at regular intervals. These measurements are taken and streamed to the surface via the IntelliServ™ high-speed wired drill pipe telemetry network, with or without flow.

A technician points at a screen displaying software used for drilling

Sensors send data messages to help accurately analyze wellbore conditions.

This suite of tools provided Total E&P Norge AS with the downhole data to overcome the limits of hydraulics modeling. The measurements were used to accurately analyze and understand the wellbore conditions—not only at the bit, but also in critical parts such as the casing shoe. The streaming visualization of the downhole data substantially improved hole-cleaning monitoring, reduced nonproductive time, enhanced well control, and sustained wellbore integrity.

A graphic demonstrating how the eVolve series of tools helps achieve deeper drilling with fewer wells

The eVolve suite helps provide enhanced well control to cut time and achieve wellbore integrity and well control.

This ongoing project has the dual intent of providing significant and immediate value to the operator while developing lessons learned for future operational implementation and continued engineering developments. The eVolve team upgraded access to wellbore pressure information and provided the support to incorporate this new information into performance improvements across multiple phases of the drilling operation.

Using this innovative NOV solution, Total E&P Norge AS improved drilling in the reservoir section by using automation to safely increase rate of penetration and drill an additional 656 ft (200 m) of reservoir. The additional reservoir drilling saved the drilling cost of one less well while still reaching planned production levels.


Mats Andersen

Director, Dynamic Drilling Solutions Services

Mats Andersen leads Dynamic Drilling Solutions for Europe. He has worked in the industry since 2000, joining NOV in 2008 as part of Grant Prideco. He holds a bachelor’s degree in petroleum technology from University of Stavanger, Norway.

Sanna Zainoune

Senior Dynamic Drilling Solutions Engineer

Sanna Zainoune is a senior Dynamic Drilling Solutions engineer who has worked in the industry since 2005 and joined NOV in 2015. She provides technical support to operational projects in the North Sea, advising on hole cleaning, vibration analysis, and drilling optimization. She holds a master’s degree in process engineering from Engineering School of Grenoble, France.